The Major event in our Mission to Educate, is our Annual Conference. Always held the First FULL weekend of October.
We shall provide open forum for all serious researchers, professional and amateur, who have data to share so that it may be “laid out on the table,” to see how the pieces fit with those from other researchers.
We do this via our Annual International Conference on Ancient America.
We have had the privilege of hosting noted Authors, Film-makers, Researchers both amateur and professional. Every researcher is respected whether "big" or "small".
Our Philosophy is inspired by our founder,
C. Fred Rydholm, who said:
1. Lay all the pieces on the table and see how they fit.
2. Don't throw anything out. It may fit a spot in another researcher's puzzle.
3. Honor the presenter even if you don't agree with their conclusions.
If we all agreed, we'd never learn anything new!
President: Paul Dittman
President Emeritus: Glenn E DeVlaminck
Vice President: Jo Lorichon
2nd Vice President: Dr. Frederick Hoenke
Treasurer: Cinde Nichols
Secretary/Conference Manager: Judy M Johnson
Board Members at Large:
Fred K Ryholm, Oedith Harris, Ray Meininger, Beth Webb, Jim Weiler.
Advisors: Jay Wakefield, Wayne May/Ancient American Magazine (co-sponsor of annual conferences), Dr. Lee Pennington, Denise Bouchor, Karl Hoenke, Lon Kreger, Anita Charlet, Rick Osmon, Sue Belanger.
AV/Computer/Tech Guy- Dana Kenneth Johnson
Videographer/Production- Keith Polkinghorne
Bringing together Diverse Pieces of the Ancient American Puzzle
Ancient Artifact Preservation Society Mission,
- To collect and preserve evidence of ancient civilizations in North America, and the Great Lakes region in particular, in a manner that supports their study by amateur and professional scholars and to educate the public about the significance. As we come to realize, no man or continent is an island, so North America is broadly connected to other places, cultures and times, linking us and our Native Peoples to the Rest of the World.
Our Vision:
- To create a repository of artifacts and published research that supports the investigation of pre-Columbian history in North America.
This Vision is becoming closer to reality.
Exciting news soon to come.
Our Goals and Dreams:
- A prominent goal was to raise the funds for the purchase of the largest remaining piece of float copper (21+ tons) discovered in the Copper Country of Michigan. Since AAPS had begun the huge challenge of fund raising, we have poured over $30,000 into contract payments to the owners, have paid to move it from the Copper Country to Marquette for greater exposure and publicity, and then move it back again, when AAPS’s two contracts failed to raise the needed $350,000. A related group tried and could not raise the funds. But the generosity of our members DID keep it from being sold and melted down for commercial purposes. We consider the expense as RENT.
The owner of a large gem and mineral shop in Colorado purchased, from the owners, the copper to PRESERVE-Not Melt. It moved the long and costly journey to China for the world’s largest Gem and Mineral Show, (Autumn 2016) where it caused a sensation. While there, it was purchased by a private museum north of Beijing where it now resides, and is much loved and visited by thousands. Though we could not anticipate this, the ultimate goal was always to SAVE IT, and that has happened.
- To create a database of artifacts, and a safe repository to protect them, and for researchers to access and study. The ultimate goal is to have a Pre-Columbian Museum that will enable the proper housing of artifacts and research work. Currently, some of our friends are working hard to see this come to fruition. Too soon to have details. But it's POSSIBLE!
Also to have a museum bookstore where appropriate books and items would be sold. And to make available our artifacts on loan to other cooperative institutions, such as museums and libraries. To aid acquisitions, pursue the donation and or loan of artifacts currently held by Michiganresidents (and beyond) to include in our collection.
Advancement (though temporary) toward this goal was a 3 year cooperative contractual association with the Hannahville (MI) Potawatomi Cultural Center. AAPS paid for construction and installation in the “Turtle Center” of 8 white oak cabinets with glass shelves and doors to exhibit the “AAPS Collection”.
It displayed artifacts and various ancient items donated to AAPS over the years. The tribe generously welcomed our presence and participation in this endeavor.
All donated or purchased artifacts have been catalogued in detail and are now in safe, insured, storage. This was an important collaboration to support the idea that ancient peoples came to North America to explore and to exploit valued resources, especially Michigan copper. We continually INCLUDE involvement with the already present Natives, while “the visitors” came from and went back overseas. Some stayed.
As per agreement, when our contract with the Hannahville Community Cultural Center came to an end, AAPS donated the eight white oak display cabinets to the Center, for their continued educational exhibits.
- To create educational programs that introduce the evidence of pre Columbian activities in the U.P. and its significance. For several years we offered winter-time free programs to the public at Peter White Public Library. It’s not hard to get topics and speakers. What we need is a coordinator.
- To continuously update a web site www.aapsCopper.comto educate visitors about the artifacts, their significance, and other related information, including articles by members.
To offer Memberships, Registrations to conferences, Free articles, "Virtual Museum", links to related ancient history sites, and AAPS Items for sale; books Recordings of past conferences....and more.
- To educate searchers about proper archeological practices when artifacts are discovered. Such informative papers are handed out annually at each conference,
AND it is on this site as a FREE Downloadable, or Copy/Paste article.
Be the first to hear about Conferences and leading edge discoveries.